39 research outputs found

    The Litigants Concerned in the Labour Process

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    [Resumo] Neste artigo analízanse as partes no proceso laboral. En concreto, estúdase a regulación actual das devanditas partes na nova Lei reguladora da xurisdición social, a través dunha sistemática centrada en clarificar a complexa armazón xurídico-procesual vixente no noso dereito adxectivo.[Abstract] This article discusses the litigants concerned in the labour process. In particular, we study the current regulation about the persons under a court’s jurisdiction in the new Social Jurisdiction Regulatory Act, through a systematic focus on clarifying the complex legal and procedural framework in force in our adjective law

    La responsabilidad disciplinaria de jueces y magistrados

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    [Resumen] La responsabilidad de los Jueces y Magistrados se ha considerado el lógico contrapunto a la independencia judicial, y, en particular, a la inamovilidad del cargo. En este trabajo se aborda el estudio de la responsabilidad de Jueces y Magistrados en el ordenamiento jurídico español, tanto desde una perspectiva orgánica como normativa y la inamovilidad de los jueces y su efecto en la independencia del poder judicial[Abstract] The responsibility of Judges and Magistrates has been considered the logical counterpoint to judicial independence, and in particular the tenure of office. In this work the study of the responsibility of judges and magistrates in the Spanish legal system is addressed, both from an organic perspective as normative and the system of tenure of judges and its impact on the independence of the judiciar

    Los consejos de la magistratura y otros modelos de gobierno judicial

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    [Resumen] El Consejo General del Poder Judicial en España se reconoce en el art. 122 de la CE como el órgano de gobierno de la judicatura, y se inscribe en la tendencia del constitucionalismo moderno dirigida a introducir una garantía institucional de la independencia judicial corporeizada en consejos de la magistratura que, a la vez que garantizan en sí mismos la independencia judicial, garantizan tendencialmente mejor la independencia judicial de los jueces individuales al detraer la gestión del estatuto judicial de las manos del Poder Ejecutivo. En este trabajo se desarrolla de manera crítica la configuración del mismo en los países más relevantes de nuestro entorno jurídico más próximo[Abstract] The General Council of the Judiciary in Spain is being recognized in the art. 122 of the CE as the organ of government of the judiciary, and may be included in the tendency of the modern constitutionalism headed to enter an institutional guarantee of the judicial independence embodied in councils of Magistrates that, at the same time that they guarantee the judicial independence, they ensure the independence of the individual judges eliminating the management of the judicial statute of the hands of the Executive Power. In this work we develops, critical way, the configuration of the General Council of the Judiciary in the most relevant countries of our closest legal environment

    El Consejo General del Poder Judicial: marco constitucional

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    [Resumen] El Consejo General del Poder Judicial en España se reconoce en el art. 122 de la CE como el órgano de gobierno de la judicatura, y se inscribe en la tendencia del constitucionalismo moderno dirigida a introducir una garantía institucional de la independencia judicial corporeizada en consejos de la magistratura que, a la vez que garantizan en sí mismos la independencia judicial, garantizan tendencialmente mejor la independencia judicial de los jueces individuales al detraer la gestión del estatuto judicial de las manos del Poder Ejecutivo. En este trabajo se desarrolla de manera crítica la configuración del mismo en nuestra Constitución.[Abstract] The General Council of the Judiciary in Spain is being recognized in the art. 122 of the CE as the organ of government of the judiciary, and may be included in the tendency of the modern constitutionalism headed to enter an institutional guarantee of the judicial independence embodied in councils of Magistrates that, at the same time that they guarantee the judicial independence, they ensure the independence of the individual judges eliminating the management of the judicial statute of the hands of the Executive Power. In this work we develops, critical way, the configuration of the General Council of the Judiciary in our Constitutio

    Nombramientos discrecionales en la carrera judicial

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    [Resumen] La promoción profesional de Jueces y Magistrados dentro de la Carrera Judicial es una materia sensible desde la perspectiva de la independencia judicial, con una evidente vinculación con la exigencia de inamovilidad, y que se debe inspirar en criterios objetivos, evitando las arbitrariedades, preferencias o veleidades de los órganos gestores del estatuto judicial. Sin embargo, aunque la provisión de la mayoría de destinos de la Carrera Judicial se hace por concurso, existen otros muchos de especial importancia que resultan ser nombramientos discrecionales[Abstract] The professional promotion of Judges and Magistrates within the Judicial Career is a sensitive matter from the perspective of judicial independence, with an evident link with the requirement of immobility, and that should be inspired by objective criteria, avoiding arbitrariness, preferences or vagueness of the bodies managing the judicial status. However, although the provision of most of the Judicial Career's fates is made through a contest, there are many others of special importance that turn out to be discretionary appointment

    Programa digital para la conciencia fonológica: un estudio aleatorizado

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the efficacy of the Phonological Awareness Digital Program (PADP) in typically developing preschool children aged 4 to 6 years. A randomized controlled trial was conducted with a total of 49 children assigned to two groups: the experimental group, EG (n=25) and the delayed control group, CG (n=24). Both groups were assessed before and after the implementation of the PADP. A follow-up study for the experimental group was also performed after two months. Outcome measures of phonological awareness skills (task 1: Syllable segmentation task; task 2: Syllable identification task; task3: Syllable omission task; task 4: Onset-rime units segmentation task; task 5: Phoneme segmentation task; task 6: Phoneme blending task) were evaluated at three separate moments. The results showed significant improvement in phonological awareness skills for the EG between the first and the second assessments for all the tasks considered. Between the second and third assessment, the results showed a significant improvement for the CG. The follow-up study also demonstrated the PADP’s efficacy. The PADP has shown to be an effective program in promoting the development of phonological awareness in children. These findings provide evidence for different professionals to use PADP with preschool children.El propósito de este estudio es analizar la eficacia del Programa Digital de Conciencia Fonológica (PADP) en niños en edad preescolar con desarrollo típico de 4 a 6 años. Se realizó un ensayo controlado aleatorio con un total de 49 niños asignados a dos grupos: el grupo experimental, GE (n = 25) y el grupo de control retardado, GC (n = 24). Ambos grupos fueron evaluados antes y después de la implementación del PADP. También se realizó un estudio de seguimiento para el grupo experimental después de dos meses. Medidas de resultado de las habilidades de conciencia fonológica (tarea 1: tarea de segmentación de sílabas; tarea 2: tarea de identificación de sílabas; tarea 3: tarea de omisión de sílabas; tarea 4: tarea de segmentación de unidades de inicio-tiempo; tarea 5: tarea de segmentación de fonemas; tarea 6: tarea de combinación de fonemas) fueron evaluados en tres momentos separados. Los resultados mostraron una mejora significativa en las habilidades de conciencia fonológica para el GE entre la primera y la segunda evaluación para todas las tareas consideradas. Entre la segunda y la tercera evaluación, los resultados mostraron una mejora significativa para el GC. El estudio de seguimiento también demostró la eficacia del PADP. El PADP ha demostrado ser un programa eficaz para promover el desarrollo de la conciencia fonológica en los niños. Estos hallazgos proporcionan evidencia para que diferentes profesionales utilicen PADP con niños en edad preescolar.publishe

    Bandwidth and memory efficiency in real-time ray tracing

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    Real time ray tracing has been given a lot of attention in recent years in the academic and research community. Several novel algorithms have appeared that parallelize different aspects of the ray tracing algorithm through the use of a GPU. Among these, the creation of Bounding Volume Hierarchies (BVHs). We believe that recent approaches have failed to consider the performance impact of memory accesses in GPU and how their cost affects the overall performance of the application. In this work we show that by reducing memory bandwidth and footprint we are able to achieve significant improvements in BVH traversal times. We do this by compressing the BVH and the triangle mesh in a parallel manner after its creation, in each frame, and then decompressing it as needed while traversing the BVH

    The Influence of Water Quality on the Structural Development of Vessels: Smart Dimensioning Process

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    In fact, it is pivotal the development, use, and management of the best and most suitable coatings to be supplied to vessels—especially those designed for long journeys; not only to increase their stability and safety but also to minimize their maintenance cost. In this regard, it should be also considering the function, the vessel typology and its routes, as well as the quality of the waters by which it will navigate. Topics that are critical to promote a better dimensioning process of vessels. Thus, the present chapter, via an extensive literature review articulated with practical approaches, aims to define relevant directions for vessels structural development processes regarding the water quality (sea or river waters), where they will outline their routes. Therefore, the study looks for a relationship between the vessels structural coating design process and the quality of the water where they navigate. Moreover, such a process not only will optimize/minimize the costs with the periodic maintenance of the vessels linings, but also to relate it with its routes—contributing to the revitalization of their structural dimensioning

    Land cover classification using high‐resolution aerial photography in Adventdalen, Svalbard

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    A methodology was tested for high‐resolution mapping of vegetation and detailed geoecological patterns in the Arctic Tundra, based on aerial imagery from an unmanned aerial vehicle (visible wavelength – RGB, 6 cm pixel resolution) and from an aircraft (visible and near infrared, 20 cm pixel resolution). The scenes were fused at 10 and 20 cm to evaluate their applicability for vegetation mapping in an alluvial fan in dventdalen, Svalbard. Ground‐truthing was used to create training and accuracy evaluation sets. Supervised classification tests were conducted with different band sets, including the original and derived ones, such as and principal component analysis bands. The fusion of all original bands at 10 cm resolution provided the best accuracies. The best classifier was systematically the maximum neighbourhood algorithm, with overall accuracies up to 84%. Mapped vegetation patterns reflect geoecological conditioning factors. The main limitation in the classification was differentiating between the classes graminea, moss and Salix, and moss, graminea and Salix, which showed spectral signature mixing. Silty‐clay surfaces are probably overestimated in the south part of the study area due to microscale shadowing effects. The results distinguished vegetation zones according to a general gradient of ecological limiting factors and show that + high‐resolution imagery are excellent tools for identifying the main vegetation groups within the lowland fan study site of dventdalen, but do not allow for detailed discrimination between species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Freedom of Expression at Work and the Retaliations Against Whistleblowing

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    [Resumen] Hoy en día, uno de los temas estrella en el ámbito jurídico laboral es el de la libertad de expresión de los trabajadores. Se trata de un complejo tema que ha recibido un importante espaldarazo normativo tras la publicación de la Directiva (UE) 2019/1937 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 23 de octubre de 2019, relativa a la protección de las personas que informen sobre infracciones del derecho de la unión (Directiva Whistleblowing). A la vista de lo dispuesto en ella, resulta conveniente efectuar un análisis de la jurisprudencia sobre libertad de expresión en el trabajo y represalias por denuncia de irregularidades.[Abstract] Nowadays, one of the starring themes in the legal-labour field is the freedom of expression for workers. This is a complex issue that has received an important normative boost after the publication of the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (Whistleblowing Directive). In accordance with the provisions of the Directive, it is appropriate an analysis of the case law about the freedom of expression at work and protection against retaliation for reporting misconduct